Sunday, June 7, 2009


This week in science we learned about the water cycle, floods, drought and the atmosphere.

The water cycle:

Water in the ocean/lake/river evaporates. Then it mixes with air particles and forms a cloud (condensate). Then the clouds presipatate and let it rain. The water goes in to rivers or large bodies of water or underground and then eventually evaporates again.


Floods can cause distruction! There is so much water that it takes a very long time to evaporate.


Just the opposite of flood, there isn't enough water to survive. Crops animals and even people can die.


The atmosphere protects us from harmfull sun rays like uva, uvb, x-ray and infared. The layers are filled with different ammounts of gasses.


Monday, June 1, 2009

This week in science

This week in science we did the classification sheet. We classified pictures and organisms and we learned about Carolus Linaeus. He made groups of classifications.








When we say something has a scientific name, we are talking about the last two classifications. Genus and Species.

We are caled homo sapiens. Our genus is homo and our species is sapiens.

Friday, May 15, 2009

This week in science

This week in science we discussed EVOLUTION!

We discused:

Natural selection, the process in which we adapt.

Selective breeding, changing an organizm so it is better and stronger and has a more disired trait.

Mutation, a random change in a genetic code.

we took a quiz then discused:

genetic flow- a change in a population when people move in or uot of a place.

genitic drift- whan a random change occursin a population and it wipes out a species.

Friday, May 8, 2009

This week in science

During this week, we started to learn about adaptations.

An adaptation is what a living thing and its population does to survive in an environment when it changes. For example, fish adapted over time and developed lungs so they could go on land. This was good because now life could live on land.

We did simulations so that we could understand adaptations better.

Natural Selections

I think that we should keep inventing medicine and keeping people alive because we don't want to change. We could eventually turn into something elso that is bad. There is one thing that could be bad, if something in the future happens like a medior hits earth like it did with the dinosuars, we could have developed those adaptations to survive it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

this weeks experiment

During this week, i learned how to make an experiment by making an observation. In the past experiments that i have done, i came into class wondering what something did. Now, i interacted with the cockroaches and came up with a question. I observed that they stuck to dominics hand so our group came up with the question: what can they stick to.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

At camp spears, i learned about:


Bogs are very deep watery places. The water has no oxygen so bacteria cant grow there. Bacteria decomposes things so nothing can be decomposed. Something that falls in a bog can be preserved for a very longtime. In England, they found a thousand year old man that was sacraficed and thrown in a bog. They found out all this stuff from the things in his body that were preserved.

Symbodic relationships

Symbiotic relatrionships are when a living thing uses aanother living thing to live. For example, fungus grows on alge. The fungus needs alge for nutrients to live but the alge can live on its own.

Fox dung

Kinda gross but the fox eats hairy animals and poops out hairy poop. I didnt know the hair would show up.


I learned that archery is hard when you dont do it for a while. I did archery last year or so and when i did it it was really hard. My fingers were numb when i fired the arrow too.

Pond Ecology

I liked pond ecology because it was something that i havent done before. I liked to see what was in the pond like crayfish and salamanders.

Friday, April 3, 2009

ThE WeEk Of 4/1

This week in science we finished our prodjects on reebops. We started an experiment on cockroaches and made observations about what we noticed about them.

I noticed that they have small heads, suctionlike feet, and have a hole between there shell and there belly ex:

On thursday, we had our test. I thought it was easy but it took a long time for me to finish.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Genetic variety

Without genetic variety, no one would be different! Each bug has to have diferent features because then all bugs would always be exactly the same. My bugs are all different but they all have simalar features. This probably means that most of my bugs genes were dominant so they carried through the generations. Fox example, the bugs all are brown. On my P1 bug, the color genotype was homozygus dominant. One of those dominant genes carried all the way through. If there was no genetic variety, then all of the other kids of the bugs I mated with would be brown including mine. However, if the mate had a green gene, there would be a chance of a brown and green child. But that would be genetic variety. Eventually, some mutations could occur if we got deeper into the subject.

An example of why we need genetic variety is sickle cell anemia. It is a recessive trait.

If you are SS, you dont have s.c.a. but you will die of malaria.

If you are ss, you will have s.c.a. and not malaria but you will die if s.c.a.

If you are Ss, you will not have malaria or s.c.a. because they are co dominant. You need 2 of each to have a disease.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This week

This week in science we made our bugs!!!!!
We got our genotypes and mated with eachother then made a phenotype and genotypes of our new bugs. We did 4 generations: P1-parents
F1-1st kid
F2-2nd kid
F3-3rd kid

In the middle of the experiment, we had to chance our colors for our original bug because some people had the same colors. In the end we had a really colorfull genotype because it showed all the people we were related to. So, the genotype color of someone you mated with could show up on another persons F3 gemotype that mated with you but not them.

I liked this experiment because it showed me how the genes can get passed all around to almost everyone.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The week of 3/9

This week in science we did our experiment on traits. Our group did eye color, tallness, rightyness or leftyness and hair color. We made punnett squairs and made predictions. We knew that once one child had a trait that anoth child could still have that trait. Our experinent didn't match our predictions exept for one.

We also learned about Mutually Exclusive Events which are when you have consecutive result, it dosent effect the new result.

say that im flipping a coin,


The next side it lands on dosn't have to be heads because it landed on heads more than it landed on tails viceversa. There is still a 50% chance it will land on either one because it is a compleatly new flip. The same goes with punnett squairs, each birth is a compleatly new "flip" so there is a 25% chance for the child to have any trait possible.

INCOMPLEAT DOMINANCE: This is when a dominant trait is not so dominant so some of the recessive trait could show for example:

A red flower and a whie flower mix and have a pink flower because red+white=pink and the red color dosen't compleatly over rule.

Friday, March 6, 2009

This week in science, we learned about what traits were doninant and ressive. We took a poll(click Here to see 7th period chart) to see who had traits and who didn't. Then, we used the data to make predictions on what was dominant or ressive. In the end we found out that:

Cleft chen-ressive
PTC taster-dominant
mid-didget hair-dominant
Earlobe attatchment-ressive
Widdow's peak-dominant
Toung rolling-diminant

We also made a prediction that dwarf people can have can have more than one average or dwarf child because there is still an equal chance after every birth. We did our lab and i thought that it was correct from the results we got.

Friday, February 27, 2009

This week

This week in Science we learned about genetics. We discussed Punnett Squares and learned about how alleles can carry from generation to generation. Also we learned new words like:

Genotype: Genetic code
Phenotype: Phisical qualities
Homozyous: Same alleles
Heterozyous: Different alleles
Recessive: Weak allele
Dominant: Strong allele (overpowers a recessive allele)

This is how it works:
The gene is passed down it combines with the gene of the other parent. So, if a female is lefty she is heterozygous recessive (rr). If the male is righty he is homozygous dominant (RR) or heterozyous dominant (Rr).

When they have sex they will have two righty and two lefty.

Friday, February 6, 2009


This week in science we talked about MEIOSIS

Meitosis is sexual reproduction. It is when sex cells replicate. 1st the cell makes homologes pairs and the pairs split. Then the cell splits and makes 2 new cells. The 2nd stage is when the chromasomes split so you end up with 4 new cells with 50% d.n.a.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Week of 1/26/09

This weel in science, we reviewed the mitosis sheet and continued to learn about mitosis.

These are the steps of mitosis:

On friday we made a concept map of mitosis and took a quiz. The conceptual map looked like this:

Friday, January 23, 2009

week of the 18th

This week in science we took a test and talked about it. I thought that it was easy because I studied. We also did a lab on cell reproduction. We looked at a tip of a root and saw the cells midway in cell asexual reproduction.
On friday we did a simulation on mitosis. It was on how a reproductive cell has half the # of chromosomes so it can join with the other cell.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

the week of 1/12

This week in science, we made a conceptual map of D.N.A, gene, protein, mRNA, tRNA, codon, amino acid and chromosome. We connected the terms to eachother and explained what they had to do with eachother.

Ex. Chromosomes>____made of coiled DNA___>DNA

We also talked about sexual and asexual reproduction. Cells reproduce asexually by doubling their Chromosomes and organells. We reproduce sexually by giving off sperm or egg to meet.

Monday, January 12, 2009

week of 1/5

This week we learned about cell respiration, D.N.A. transcription, microscopic picture of water and how energy is coverted thoughout the food chain.

For example:

Microscopic pix of water:

D.N.A. transcription is when the D.N.A. is copied to the m-RNA then brought to the rough ER. There, it is paired with t-RNA with amino acids attached to them and then relases the amino acid and floats off.

Cell respiration is when the glucose is exposed with oxygen in the mitochondria. After this happens CO2, energy and water is produced.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Why cant fish breath above water?

When I looked at this diagram of the inside of a fish I saw gills but not lungs. I also read that the gills are only designed to take the oxygen out of water and we cant filter water we just breathe in air.(The fish take the oxygen molocule of H2O). The fish don't take all the oxygen out of the water. They take only the oxygen molocules out of the water they took in. Then, they release CO2 in to the water and plants like seweed take it in and produce more oxygen for the fish to breath.


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