Thursday, March 26, 2009

Genetic variety

Without genetic variety, no one would be different! Each bug has to have diferent features because then all bugs would always be exactly the same. My bugs are all different but they all have simalar features. This probably means that most of my bugs genes were dominant so they carried through the generations. Fox example, the bugs all are brown. On my P1 bug, the color genotype was homozygus dominant. One of those dominant genes carried all the way through. If there was no genetic variety, then all of the other kids of the bugs I mated with would be brown including mine. However, if the mate had a green gene, there would be a chance of a brown and green child. But that would be genetic variety. Eventually, some mutations could occur if we got deeper into the subject.

An example of why we need genetic variety is sickle cell anemia. It is a recessive trait.

If you are SS, you dont have s.c.a. but you will die of malaria.

If you are ss, you will have s.c.a. and not malaria but you will die if s.c.a.

If you are Ss, you will not have malaria or s.c.a. because they are co dominant. You need 2 of each to have a disease.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

This week

This week in science we made our bugs!!!!!
We got our genotypes and mated with eachother then made a phenotype and genotypes of our new bugs. We did 4 generations: P1-parents
F1-1st kid
F2-2nd kid
F3-3rd kid

In the middle of the experiment, we had to chance our colors for our original bug because some people had the same colors. In the end we had a really colorfull genotype because it showed all the people we were related to. So, the genotype color of someone you mated with could show up on another persons F3 gemotype that mated with you but not them.

I liked this experiment because it showed me how the genes can get passed all around to almost everyone.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The week of 3/9

This week in science we did our experiment on traits. Our group did eye color, tallness, rightyness or leftyness and hair color. We made punnett squairs and made predictions. We knew that once one child had a trait that anoth child could still have that trait. Our experinent didn't match our predictions exept for one.

We also learned about Mutually Exclusive Events which are when you have consecutive result, it dosent effect the new result.

say that im flipping a coin,


The next side it lands on dosn't have to be heads because it landed on heads more than it landed on tails viceversa. There is still a 50% chance it will land on either one because it is a compleatly new flip. The same goes with punnett squairs, each birth is a compleatly new "flip" so there is a 25% chance for the child to have any trait possible.

INCOMPLEAT DOMINANCE: This is when a dominant trait is not so dominant so some of the recessive trait could show for example:

A red flower and a whie flower mix and have a pink flower because red+white=pink and the red color dosen't compleatly over rule.

Friday, March 6, 2009

This week in science, we learned about what traits were doninant and ressive. We took a poll(click Here to see 7th period chart) to see who had traits and who didn't. Then, we used the data to make predictions on what was dominant or ressive. In the end we found out that:

Cleft chen-ressive
PTC taster-dominant
mid-didget hair-dominant
Earlobe attatchment-ressive
Widdow's peak-dominant
Toung rolling-diminant

We also made a prediction that dwarf people can have can have more than one average or dwarf child because there is still an equal chance after every birth. We did our lab and i thought that it was correct from the results we got.
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