Without genetic variety, no one would be different! Each bug has to have diferent features because then all bugs would always be exactly the same. My bugs are all different but they all have simalar features. This probably means that most of my bugs genes were dominant so they carried through the generations. Fox example, the bugs all are brown. On my P1 bug, the color genotype was homozygus dominant. One of those dominant genes carried all the way through. If there was no genetic variety, then all of the other kids of the bugs I mated with would be brown including mine. However, if the mate had a green gene, there would be a chance of a brown and green child. But that would be genetic variety. Eventually, some mutations could occur if we got deeper into the subject. 

An example of why we need genetic variety is sickle cell anemia. It is a recessive trait.
If you are SS, you dont have s.c.a. but you will die of malaria.
If you are ss, you will have s.c.a. and not malaria but you will die if s.c.a.
If you are Ss, you will not have malaria or s.c.a. because they are co dominant. You need 2 of each to have a disease.