Friday, May 15, 2009

This week in science

This week in science we discussed EVOLUTION!

We discused:

Natural selection, the process in which we adapt.

Selective breeding, changing an organizm so it is better and stronger and has a more disired trait.

Mutation, a random change in a genetic code.

we took a quiz then discused:

genetic flow- a change in a population when people move in or uot of a place.

genitic drift- whan a random change occursin a population and it wipes out a species.

Friday, May 8, 2009

This week in science

During this week, we started to learn about adaptations.

An adaptation is what a living thing and its population does to survive in an environment when it changes. For example, fish adapted over time and developed lungs so they could go on land. This was good because now life could live on land.

We did simulations so that we could understand adaptations better.

Natural Selections

I think that we should keep inventing medicine and keeping people alive because we don't want to change. We could eventually turn into something elso that is bad. There is one thing that could be bad, if something in the future happens like a medior hits earth like it did with the dinosuars, we could have developed those adaptations to survive it.
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